Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine
Sustainable strategies for healthy longevity.

Sustainable strategies for healthy longevity.

Human life span has more than doubled in the last centuries. Humans are living longer than ever but we aren’t necessarily aging well. We live with more chronic diseases and disabilities. The question is not just how to live longer but focusing more on how to extend health -- health span. While conventional medicine is advanced, what used to make us sick is no longer killing us but it may not be the best medicine for these types of illness. 

The picture below illustrate the Successful Aging Model by Rowe and Kahn, 1997

Prevention is paramount. Most chronic diseases are lifestyle-related and preventable, so I also incorporate a healthy lifestyle concept to tackle or reverse the disease, including applying healthy nutrition, fitness, stress management, sleep hygiene, as well as minimizing chemical exposure as therapeutic modalities.

Rather than simply treating symptoms, functional medicine provides a better approach for diagnosis and treatment by changing the disease-centered focus to patient-centered approach. This process helps to identify the root cause and underlying factors that may help shift patients' health from illness to wellbeing.

My approach is different. 

I provide preventive and anti-aging medicine in combination with a functional approach aiming for treating not only symptoms but also the root cause of disease. It’s much more focusing on what’s the root cause of that problem, and how we can use the lifestyle to correct the underlying driver of that abnormality, addressing the underlying cause, and allow the body to heal.

I spend time with patients, listening to their histories, looking at the underlying factors such as environment, lifestyle factors, genetics, medications that may influence health and chronic illness. Patients will be examined by doctors, had blood tests done, including other essential diagnostic tests altogether with your histories to assess your symptoms, so that we can focus on treating your body as a whole system.

Therefore, our service is suitable with patients who need comprehensive management for their chronic conditions as well as disease prevention. In addition, there is a wide array of available interventions that can improve health conditions, stop or even reverse the disease.  

What makes differences?

-Patient-centered care. My focus is on promoting health, beyond just treating disease. 

-An integrative evidence-based approach. I look upstream to address the root causes of the problems that may  lead to illness. 

-Personalized treatment. With my discovery process, I will tailor therapeutic options and address any particular needs.

What I treat ?

- Diabetes - Hypertension

- Hyperlipidemia - Obesity

- Autoimmune diseases such as SLE, rheumatoid arthritis - Allergies, asthma, chronic sinusitis

- Irritable bowel syndrome, GERD, irritable bowel disease - Urticaria, eczema, acne

- Thyroid disorders - Chronic fatigue syndromes

- PMS, PCOS - Menopause

- Fibromyalgia - Migraine

- Mood and behavior disorders - Dementia

- Insomnia - Heavy metal toxicity and detoxification


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Sanwiz Lab




399/4 Room 4, Silom Soi 7 Silom Road Bangrak Bangkok 10500

Working Hours

Mon-Sat 9:00 - 17:00

BNH Hospital




9/1, Convent Road, Silom Bangkok 10500, Thailand

Working Hours

Mon 08:00 - 16:00
Tue 08:00 - 12:00
Wed 08:00 - 16:00
Fri 13:00-16:00
Sun 08:00 - 12:00